Interviews (selection)

War on Iran would have disastrous consequences (Interview with News.Az, Baku/Azerbaijan, 6th August 2012)


'Interview: Is the West Bullying Iran?' (Interview with Joana Ramiro, Anticapitalist Initiative, London, 6th May 2012)



'War on Iran: America's Next Catastrophe in the Middle East?' (Interview with Emanuel Stokes, truthout, USA, 13th April 2012)



'Interview: Der Nahost-Diskurs ist ideologisiert' (Irananders, Germany, 28th September 2011)



'Book Interview: The myth of the clash of civilisations between Islam and the west' (Kristeligt Dagblad, Denmark, 7th September 2011)



'Interview with Arshin Adib-Moghaddam' (Columbia University Press, 12th August 2011)



'Clash of Civilisations' theory challenged by SOAS academic' (SOAS News, 17th May 2011)





'Interview on the Arab Spring in Prague' (IDNES, 14th May 2011)



'Arshin Adib-Moghaddam on the Metahistory of the Clash of Civlisations' (Columbia University Press, 28th April 2011)



'Interview: A metahistory of the clash of civilisations'(with Maysam Behvaresh, E-IR, 27 April 2011)


'Interview: Wave of Democratic Fervour in the Middle East' (fresh Outlook/Iranreview, 1st April 2011)



The War in Libya is not a cakewalk!
Europa (Italy) Feb. 11 On the war in Li
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US Combat Troop Withdrawal and the war in Iraq
The New Times Russia August 2010 'Comba
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Interview on Iran in Turkish
Vakit (Turkey) July 09 Elections in Iran
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Exclusive on Rabia Balkhi and Afghan Cinema
Independent May 2009 Jewel of Afghan cin
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